Off the charts. Asynchrony and the gifted child
Off the Charts is an exploration of the effects of asynchronous development on gifted children and adults. It contains sections on Asynchrony and the Individual, Asynchrony and the Family, Asynchrony and Learning and chapters describe the nature of asynchrony, methods of dealing with the challenges of asynchrony, and recommendations for adapting education in a variety of settings.

The editors have brought together 19 essays by renowned gifted education specialists to produce this important new publication for 2013.

Off the Charts is an exploration of the effects of asynchronous development on gifted children and adults. It contains sections on Asynchrony and the Individual, Asynchrony and the Family, Asynchrony and Learning and chapters describe the nature of asynchrony, methods of dealing with the challenges of asynchrony, and recommendations for adapting education in a variety of settings. A Bibliography on Asynchronous Development provides extensive further reading.

The contributors’ contention is that Gifted Education should be from a child-centered perspective, rather than from a ‘product perspective’ in which the emphasis is on achievement, competition and outer recognition. The child-centered approach concentrates on self-development and personal growth and fosters interrelatedness and wholeness.

It is an important resource for parents, teachers, counselors, and others concerned with the optimal development of gifted to highly-gifted individuals.

The book is dedicated to Annemarie Roeper (1918-2012) who before she died contributed a chapter.

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