Children and being gifted

Being an adult means taking the child you were by the hand. But what if your childhood is constantly out of sync because you are gifted? Do you have questions at a very young age? About everything? Without stopping? How then, as adults, can you take the child you were by the hand? It was in 2017 (at 53) that I discovered for myself what was wrong with me. All the characteristics were there. I am highly gifted! And how great the joy of recognition was, and as justified as that joy is, there was also anger. The particular feeling that [...]

Door |2024-05-21T22:24:27+02:00april 24th, 2021|Categorieën: Gifted adults, Gifted children|Tags: |Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Children and being gifted

Why science matters to you

Why should we look to the past in order to prepare for the future? Because there is nowhere else to look. a quote by science historian James Burke, inscribed on one of the walls of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden. As an archaeologist, I believe he is right, but this quote and others similar sometimes feel like worn-out clichés. Nobody ever seems to heed the lessons we can clearly learn from the past, from invading Russia while having access to history books telling you it is a very, very bad idea, to climate denial in the face of [...]

Door |2024-05-21T22:21:01+02:00januari 31st, 2018|Categorieën: Gifted adults|Tags: |Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Why science matters to you
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