Bright adults. Uniqueness and belonging across the lifespan
Published: 2015
You were bright, perhaps gifted, as a child, but what about now that you are an adult? You may still find that you seem more intense or sensitive than others, feel different, perhaps are impatient, and remain puzzled as to where you fit in the world. This book is for you.

You were bright, perhaps gifted, as a child, but what about now that you are an adult? You may still find that you seem more intense or sensitive than others, feel different, perhaps are impatient, and remain puzzled as to where you fit in the world. This book is for you.

Dr. Ellen Fiedler guides us through the life stages of gifted adults, including their experiences, tasks, and challenges they face during their journeys. Using a sailing methaphor, she provides perspective to help us anticipate the shoals, currents, and sandbars of life, including:

  • College planning and entering the workforce
  • Finding kindred spirits
  • Romantic relationships and marriage
  • Parenthood
  • Midlife quests
  • Mentoring others
  • Growing old gifted
  • Running aground

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